Thursday, January 27, 2011

Begin Walking Towards Your Dream

Do you have a dream?

I think you most likely have something inside of you that tries to come up to the surface of your consciousness occasionally. Think about it. What would you like to do?

One of my dreams was to write a book. I had no idea how I would do it, or how it would be published, or who might like to read my book. I did not have any experience in writing a book and did not know any publishers.

My background is in art and teaching. As part of my position as Professor of Fine Arts and Humanities, I traveled each summer in Europe. I taught a course called "Drawing and Writing in Salzburg." My students and I lived in a village in the Alps, in Austria. We had classes four mornings a week. Our classes were held in a school classroom sometimes, but mostly we traveled to a new place every morning on the local bus. There, we wrote and made sketches and worked on ideas in our sketch books. On the weekends, we traveled to other countries: Italy, Germany, and Czech Republic.

After teaching and traveling during my summers for a few years, I had created a collection of drawings, poems, and reflections in my sketch books.

One day, I was unexpectedly contacted by a publisher of books. I sent my collection to her and she immediately wanted to be the publisher of my collection. The rest is history. My book was titled _Concerti...Psalms for the Pilgrimage_ and it was published January 1, 2002. One of the works of art I created in Austria became the cover for my book. I was delighted with the finished product.

If you have an idea or a dream, just begin working on it. Don't worry about the little details or how you will achieve it. The people you will need to have on board to help you will come to you. You don't have to search for them. Just begin your project, and watch what happens. One by one, the other people and the things you will need come to you.

Begin to work and walk towards your dream.
Your dream is waiting for you.

Dreams are like that!

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